What is Prestige v2.0?

Prestige v2.0 is nothing but a betting community designed to connect people who often happens to know the outcomes of various sport events. Who are they and how do they gain such information is not a subject of the project and it never will be. In fact keeping the identities of these people in secret is of crucial importance. That is why Prestige v2.0 is located inside the darkweb and not in your local pub down the street.

It all started with a few betting buddies exchanging their insider informations using an anonymous chat app, just to evolve into the onion link you are seeing today. The purpose of this hidden place is simple: to filter all the scumbags and scammers circulating around the betting world and to connect the few valuable souls who can really help each other out. What you need to understand is that if you cannot contribute to the community then you will not be accepted in. Prestige v2.0 is not a market. You cannot buy a spot inside our main group. The only way to join us is by managing to convince the majority of the current active members that you will be a nice new edition to the team.

If you believe that you have what it takes to help Prestige v2.0 grow don't waste more time and register your own account. Show us what you are capable of during the application process and we just might open you a door to a place filled in with unlimited opportunities.

Even if you get rejected, don't lose hope. Just lurk around in your account from time to time and i am sure you will often benefit from the generosity of the active Prestige v2.0 members. We have also implemented a Listener option that will benefit you even without being part of the crew.

Come chat with us in Jabber